
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Letter to Editor: EPA takes over Cargill

San Mateo Daily Journal March 23, 2015


Joy! Unadulterated joy! Deep appreciation to Jackie Speier, Dianne Feinstein, the Bay Area congressional delegates and the EPA for bringing strong leadership and powerful voices to the table — and shame on DMB (“EPA takes lead over Cargill” in the March 20 edition of the Daily Journal).

How DMB’s David Smith could claim to be confused and outraged is beyond elementary logic: Cargill has been using Bay land — zoned as tidal — to produce salt. The fact that they stopped producing salt and want to build luxury homes on mud does not change geology or the protections of the Clean Water Act. The EPA has just confirmed that the conditions that apply to all other former Cargill salt ponds also applies to those in Redwood City. Smith is “frankly outraged” over the inconvenience of a truth he didn’t want to hear.

Julie Abraham

Redwood City