
Monday, July 24, 2017

Harbor View office plans resubmitted

San Mateo Daily Journal, July 12, 2017

The developer is scoping plans for the four-building, seven-story project in meetings with communities that may be affected by it in an effort to address concerns planning commissioners previously cited about high-density along the city’s Bayfront and its conformance with existing zoning.

Expected to make nearly 1.2 million square feet of office space available at 320 to 350 Blomquist St., the project plans are set to go before the City Council at either its July 24 or Aug. 28 meeting, according to Assistant City Manager Aaron Aknin.

Laura Teutschel, spokeswoman for The Jay Paul Company, said a community meeting held earlier this year at the Redwood City Police Activities League, 3399 Bay Road, an open house planned for July 12 at the Highland Community Club, 1665 Fernside St., and other meetings with community groups are expected to collect more community input on the plans than was collected last year.

Aknin confirmed the developer is including many of the same project specifications for the 27-acre site in its resubmittal, and will be requesting an amendment to the zones indicated for the site in the city’s general plan. Though the site currently allows for industrial uses, the developer is asking for it to be updated to allow commercial park uses.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Six vying for four Redwood City Council seats

Six vying for four Redwood City Council seats
September 11, 2015
By Bill Silverfarb Daily Journal

The Redwood City Council is guaranteed to have at least one new member next year as Barbara Pierce is being termed out of her seat after filling it for 16 years.

There are four seats up for grabs on the seven-seat council in the November election with Alicia Aguirre, Ian Bain and Rosanne Foust seeking re-election.

They are being challenged by Janet Borgens, Shelly Masur and Tania Solé.

The Daily Journal sat down with all six candidates to discuss issues such as the city’s booming downtown, lack of affordable housing, development east of Highway 101 and traffic.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

OP-ED: Salt ponds not zoned for housing

San Mateo Daily Journal April 01, 2015

I would like to publicly thank our local members of Congress for weighing in on the status of the salt ponds in Redwood City. Speaking only for myself, I fully support the efforts of U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo, and the other Bay Area members of Congress who are seeking clarity on whether the salt ponds are “indeed waters of the United States under the Clean Water Act.”

The clarity at the federal level will determine whether Cargill and DMB come back to the city of Redwood City with another proposal. If they do come back to us, I want it on record that I am not interested in another housing proposal, which is inconsistent with the zoning. Right now, the salt ponds are zoned “tidal plain” which means the site can’t be developed with a residential project. Unless the residents of Redwood City want to rezone the area to allow residential use, then Cargill should not propose another housing project on that site.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Letter to Editor: EPA takes over Cargill

San Mateo Daily Journal March 23, 2015


Joy! Unadulterated joy! Deep appreciation to Jackie Speier, Dianne Feinstein, the Bay Area congressional delegates and the EPA for bringing strong leadership and powerful voices to the table — and shame on DMB (“EPA takes lead over Cargill” in the March 20 edition of the Daily Journal).

How DMB’s David Smith could claim to be confused and outraged is beyond elementary logic: Cargill has been using Bay land — zoned as tidal — to produce salt. The fact that they stopped producing salt and want to build luxury homes on mud does not change geology or the protections of the Clean Water Act. The EPA has just confirmed that the conditions that apply to all other former Cargill salt ponds also applies to those in Redwood City. Smith is “frankly outraged” over the inconvenience of a truth he didn’t want to hear.

Julie Abraham

Redwood City


Monday, March 23, 2015

A Setback for Redwood City Salt Pond Development

KQED Radio Forum March 23, 2015

Host: Joshua Johnson

A developer's plan to construct 12,000 homes along the bay in Redwood City has been stalled. The Environmental Protection Agency announced it will decide whether the Cargill Saltworks site falls under protection of the Clean Water Act, which would prohibit the development. We'll discuss what's at stake in the struggle to balance San Francisco Bay restoration efforts with a Bay Area housing shortage.


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